Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19, Bahia de Frailes

Saturday night in Cabo left the majority of the town hungover and in a deep sleep when we pulled anchor in the darkness of the morning at 5:45am.  Bahia de Frailes lies 45 nautical miles north of Cabo San Lucas and I wanted to get an early start on the day in preparation for the possibilities of strong afternoon northerly winds and chop that I prefer not to beat into.  As it turned out it was a very calm day with light winds coming from the southeast.  We pure sailed for a couple hours but with the distance needed to cover we couldn't afford to only be moving along at 3 knots or so unless I was willing to pull into Frailes at dark...which I'm not.  So we cranked up the iron spinnaker and motorsailed the rest of the day in very calm conditions.  Along the way we were visited by a huge pod of large dolphins and several of the youngsters that were showing off their youthfulness buy leaping several feet out of the water and covering probably 15-20' before re-entry.  We did see one humpback about a quarter of a mile out but it only broke the surface once and we didn't see it again.

We are anchored here in Frailes around 3pm with 4 other boats and a southerly wind and chop which we have no protection for but it will be fine.  Clint and his friends are settling in but leaving the usual bits of DNA from their toes, shins and knees on objects on the boat that I rarely know exist as I have already gone through those pains and my subconcious steers clear of those obstacles most of the time.  We plan to stay put here tomorrow, head around the corner so they can swim with the the sea lions then head north to Muertos on Tuesday.

Fishing report - ZIP!  I with I could figure that out.

Mechanical report - I have had a leak into the bilge over the last week or so that I could not find.  Today I found it.  The salt water pump under the galley sink was dripping furiously at probably a gallon an hour.  Problem found.  Pulling the pump apart it appears that a seal on the pump body that is not accessible or replaceable has decided to give up.  Out comes a tube of magic 3M 4200 marine sealant.  Every seal, crack and crevice was filled with the sealant in hopes it will hold and work as intended, leak free, for the next month and a half until I pull the boat out of the water and then buy another pump in the states this summer.  If the fix fails, I will have to bypass the pump which will be no big deal except I will not have access to the endless supply of salt water to wash dishes which means I will have to use fresh.  

That's it for Sunday the 19th of April, 2015 onboard with the SV Liahona.

Bret, Clint and friends
SV Liahona

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